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 The RCMS Parent Teacher Association is a 501(c)(3) organization.  Its function is to enhance the vital connection between parents and teachers specifically for the benefit of our kids. Your contributions provide funding for innovation in the classroom, celebration and acknowledgement of the student body’s varied heritage, and support of the faculty and staff in providing an exceptional educational experience.

Welcome to the Ridgeview Charter Middle School PTA

Click HERE to join today!

As a PTA member you will receive information on volunteer opportunities throughout the school year. 

Last Year the RCMS PTA...

·       Funded innovative classroom and extra-curricular learning through mini-grants. 

·       Thanked our amazing administration & staff with monthly treats and gift cards during appreciation week. 

·       Renovated the teacher’s lounge. 

·       Gifted our graduating 8th graders.

·       Provided supplies and other support to teachers and staff as needed. 

·       Coordinated volunteer needs. 

·       And much, much more...

Contact the RCMS PTA Co-Presidents at


Michelle Kemp




Stefany Sanders


Karla Avery


Julie Royal

Spirit Wear

Dawn Kown

Spirit Wear (Chair)

Amber Cooley

Spirit Wear

Greta Crowley


Angie Douglas


Rakhi McNeil

Mini- Grants

Grace Vise

Mini- Grants Co

Brooke Brown