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Ridgeview Charter Middle School Orchestra

"Excellence is the Expectation"

Orchestra is offered to ALL 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade students at Ridgeview Charter Middle School.

Ridgeview has three Orchestras, The Ridgeview Concert Orchestra, which consist of ALL 6th grade beginning orchestra students, The Ridgeview Performing Orchestra, which consist of 7th and 8th grade Orchestra students, and The Ridgeview Chamber Orchestra, which consists of 7th and 8th grade students who have successfully auditioned for membership in this orchestra.

All orchestra members in their respective orchestras meet during one of their two Connections classes, which is part of their scheduled school day. Students as well have mandatory rehearsals after school TWO WEEKS prior to a scheduled mandatory performance. All concert and rehearsal dates are presented to students and families.

All Ridgeview Orchestras participate in three school performances, with the two older orchestras, Chamber and Performing Orchestras participating in a few extras. The Ridgeview Chamber Orchestra participates in the most performances, performing at least five performances, including scheduled school performances, community performances and gigs, and music festivals. Both the Ridgeview Chamber and Performing Orchestras have been awarded annually for their performances during the Georgia Music Educators Associations’ Large Group Performance Evaluations, receiving the highest marking of SUPERIOR performance for a music ensemble.

Orchestra students also have opportunities to perform in our community and around the state.

Matthew Leo
Director of Orchestras
Ridgeview Charter Middle School


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