International Baccalaureate
What Is IB MYP?
MYP Programme Overview
The Middle Years Programme (MYP) curriculum framework comprises eight subject groups, providing a broad and balanced education for early adolescents. In a holistic approach, teachers in all subject areas encourage students to make practical connections between their studies and the real world through at least one interdisciplinary unit involving two or more subjects. At Ridgeview, students hone the skills of critical thinking, inquiry, and design in each course and all eight subjects as they engage in at least one project each semester, per course that is a real-world, global application of their learning.
IB Course Outlines & Overviews
In each of the eight (8) subject areas, we invite you to learn about how an International Baccalaureate program provides a framework for inquiry, critical thinking, international-mindedness, and holistic learning. Each subject area's curriculum, units and unit titles, key concepts, related concepts, global contexts, statements of inquiry, MYP objetives and assessment tasks, Approaches to Learning Skills, and Length of Time is overviewed in the "Course Guides." Explore the curriculum on the course guides from 6th grade ("Year 1") all the way through 10th grade ("Year 5") to see the unique vertical articulation and connectivity between the Middle School and High School IB continuum.
IB Course Outlines & Overviews File Library
IB Programme Policies
Our 6th through 10th grade IB Programme is underpinned not only by a vertical curriculum continuum, but also by policies that articulate our language practices, our assessment practices, our special needs approaches, and our academic integrity processes. We invite you to explore these policies below.
IB Policies File Library
Parents and Guardians,
Please feel free to complete this form with any IB concerns or questions.
You may also email Dr. Kathleen McCaffrey (MYP Coordinator) at